Check out the evidence of the “Government’s” involvement in the Waco Massacre, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the 1993 World Trade Center Bombings discussed in the video in our Dropbox/Flash Drive of Freedom: The Liberator...
AoLF’s Pro-Health Freedom “Operation Grocery Store” Featured on The Highwire with Del Bigtree Operation Grocery Store, an exercise in peaceful civil disobedience that the Art of Liberty Foundation undertook with the GATTO Project, Home School Leader, Santa Cruz...
Amason Appears to be Part of Organized Crime’s Control-of- Perception Program Amason has been caught digitally burning books on their “Kindle” and “Fire” platforms, censoring books exposing the Sandy Hook hoax, 9-11 Truth, engineered Islamic mass migration in Europe,...
When I spoke at the Anarchadelphia conference in Philadelphia a couple of weeks ago I told the story of The Biggest Secret of the Secret Service (a speech I almost titled: When Combat Veterans Told the US Government: NO! and Shook the Gates of the White House.) ...