“Government” The Biggest Scam in History Exposed – Digital Version


The fixed format ePub of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! reveals the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population.

The new 5th Edition includes a new look, high-resolution images, new content,  a brand new collection of one-pagers, and improved end-notes,

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Cyber Monday Sale!  Usually $10.  Today & Giving Tuesday Price Reduced to $5 with free access to a free download of the Liberator Flash Drive via DropBox. Link below.

The new 5th Edition is improved, rebranded, and expanded and available in both ePub & PDF And Free Access to the content from the Liberator Flash Drive via Dropbox (Free Download including Labels to Wrap Commodity 64GB Drives).

“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! reveals the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population.

The new 5th Edition includes improved end-notes, a new look, new content, and a brand new collection of one-pagers.

Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! reveals the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population. This book distills 20+ years of research and crowd-sourced information into short, easily digestible treatises on individual subjects and optimized them for the 65% of society who are visual learners. In addition, there are references and links to more comprehensive research and evidence, including books, videos, documentaries, and audiobooks, to accommodate the widest variety of learning preferences. The book also provides positive solutions for freeing yourself and your loved ones from the mental and physical slavery of “Gubenare Mente” and Enter-tain-mente.

This NEW 5th Edition includes improved end-notes, a new look, new content, and a brand new collection of one-pagers, including:


Cyber Edition Includes Access to the Liberator Flash Drive via Dropbox
DropBox URL: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/rqwa3nmbqwt01muaozdra/AFPjlZJZcCkMkmwPnbKwgjY?rlkey=rep17tjs785zxrsxt6qsq0dcx&dl=0
Description Page for Liberator with Dropbox Website API & Download: Government-Scam.com/Liberator



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