Five Meme Friday! The Art of Liberty Foundation is taking 5 Meme Friday to the next level. We have professionalized our weekly newsletter with 5 dank memes and the best of the alternative news, censored videos, etc. Read on, enjoy this week’s issue.

Enjoy these pokes at the powers that shouldn’t be.

The Art of Liberty On the Beach


The Art of Liberty Foundation Presents :

The Art of Liberty On the Beach

Live Musical Performances
Derrick Broze will be performing as “33”
Alais Clay, Grant Ellman of Prezence, Punto G / Gianna & Ittai, DJ Koala

Tickets Available Here!

More Memes Bonanza

Videos of the week

Evidence Of Inmates Being Gassed In Australian Concentration Camps – Tim Truth –

Queensland’s “Wellcamp” is the latest in Australia’s shameful array of concentration camps. Tim pulls together strands from a variety of videos, including one supplied by a tradesman working on the project, as well as testimonials from other quarantine inmates and comes to the disturbing possibility that “authorities” may be gassing Australians who prove inconvenient.
Here’s the workman’s video in its entirety, showing how the buildings are being constructed (note: the only weak point is under the small windows), as well as the gas pipes running to all the rooms.

Disturbing Discovery of Graphen Oxide NanoTech Found in Vaxx – Ilana Rachel Daniel – Daniel invites guest Ricardo Delgado Martin from La Quinta Columna for an in-depth discussion of his immensely disturbing findings of Graphene Oxide Nanotechnology in vaccines. Topics include magnetism in the vaccinated, parasitic material, radiation of vaccine components, and the ability to track humans.

Bizarre Medical Kidnapping: Car Crash Survivor Wakes Up On Hospital Covid Death Protocol – Stew Peters – “Earlier this week, Benjamin Gord put out a video that went viral detailing his experience with the hospital’s Covid death protocol after surviving a car crash. Benjamin claims that he awoke in his hospital bed from the car crash ventilated with the diagnosis of “Covid.” When the paramedics arrived at the scene of the accident, they injected him with some kind of sedative to “calm him down.” Benjamin was then taken to Flagstaff Medical Center.
Watch Gord’s Original Video Here.

Free State Project Watch

Free State Project Corner – The Free State Project is moving 20,000+ libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing “Government” to just protecting life, liberty and property.  We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic.  If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of “Government”, the 32GB Liberator and a documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary.

Upcoming Events


* Friday, February 11th – Activation Day with Derrick Broze and Etienne de la Boetie2

* February 12 & 13 — Respirar Acapulco — at Cafe Rustica, Bonfil
* February 12 & 13 — Danzanacion 
* Wednesday, February 15th – Full Moon Fiesta
* Saturday, February 19th – The Art of Liberty on the Beach – Beach Day
* Saturday, February 19th – The Art of Liberty on the Beach – The Turtle Party

By the community…  for the community.

For more information, visit the Agorapulco Website
or  Telegram Group.


The Art of Liberty on the Beach – The Turtle Party – February 19th – Acapulco, Mexico

The Art of Liberty on the Beach – Beach Day – February 19th – Acapulco, Mexico

* Free State Project’s Liberty Forum March 4th – 6th Manchester, NH

Agorapulco February Acapulco, Mexico

Flotefest – April 27th-May 2nd 2022 – Gause, Texas

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival(MidFest) October 2021 – Tahlequah, OK

Libre Planet – Free Software Foundation’s Conf March Cambridge, MA

Porcupine Freedom Festival June 21st – 27th New Hampshire

Freedom Fest July 13th-16th Las Vegas, NV

Rainbow Gathering June 28, 2022 through July 28, 2022 TBD-Colorado

The Jackalope Freedom Festival August 1st-14th Baca Meadows, AZ

Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest August Michigan

AnarCon August 5th-7th Richmond, VA

The Freecoast Festival September Portsmouth, NH

Get together: Meet others, have fun, and get involved: State By State: ArizonaGreater Phoenix Mutual Aid and Safety SocietyColorado: Denver – We Are ChangeNew Hampshire:Free State ProjectPortsmouth The Praxeum, The Shell TexasHouston Free ThinkersVoluntaryist of AustinVirginia – Liberate RichmondNew YorkAnarcho-Capitalist Meet upBay Area VoluntaryistsLondon Anarchy MeetupLibertarian Free Thinkers of Kansas City, Voluntaryists of Dallas/Fort WorthCaledonia(everywhere)

News Of The Week

Documents Showing Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Effective in Treating COVID Were Buried – Need to Know News – “There are 67 controlled studies of Ivermectin’s effect on COVID-19 that show a 67% improvement in COVID patients. There are 298 Hydroxychloroquine studies that show a 64% improvement in patients for COVID-19 patients. Despite the science, Dr. Fauci and the medical elites have blocked the use of these effective treatments for coronavirus patients. Fauci and other top US medical leaders were in on the hydroxychloroquine lie that smeared the treatment as being ineffective and dangerous. Jeremy Farrar, director of Wellcome Trust and a WHO advisory group, was involved in two large hydroxychloroquine trials that used extreme doses that killed about 500 people and was used to sink the use of the drug for COVID.

Documents stored on the computers of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) prove that the medicines Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Interferon were proven “Curative” for COVID-19 in April, 2020, but the cures were buried as “Top Secret.”

The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA; Connecting Dots – Jon Rappoport –
“As of this writing, GoFundMe has cut off (stolen) $9 million from the Canadian Trucker Convoy. The money was donated by thousands of individuals to support the truckers, who are demanding the Canadian government cancel vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and brutal COVID restrictions.
After a major backlash from the enraged public, GoFundMe has stated it will automatically refund all $9 million to the individual donors. Regardless, GoFundMe will not forward the money to the group it was intended for: the truckers.
All right: here come the dots—
A venture capital firm, Accel, and Technology Crossover Ventures, own the majority stake in GoFundMe. The big infusion of cash that sent Mark Zuckerberg and his fledgling college enterprise on their way came from Accel, in 2004.
Jim Breyer, head of Accel, attached a $13 million rocket to Facebook, and nothing has ever been the same. (Breyer—billionaire, CFR, World Economic Forum, major fund investor in China.)”

Dr. David Martin Explains How to Use the Law Against Covid Vaccine Coercion – Need to Know News – “Dr. David Martin says that under the 21 CFR § 50.23 and 50.24, it is illegal to make anyone participate in an experimental program using coercion. He said that under 18 US Code § 2331, subsection 802, anytime a US citizen or a government inside the US is forced to do something that it would not otherwise do, that is not only coercion, but it is also domestic terrorism, which is a felony that carries a prison term up to 99 years.

He also recommended mailing out his document that lists eight felonies to US Attorneys, Attorneys General, elected officials, school boards, or anyone who is trying to mandate Covid vaccines. His document may be used to put individuals and entities on notice that they are in felony violation of the law. He said that if you collect evidence of coercion, then you may be able to later recover damages in the courts.”

Johns Hopkins U Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test Without Knowing- Need to Know News – “Journalist John O’Sullivan warned that the massive PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination program in disguise. He was referring to a new technology developed at Johns Hopkins University that developed tiny, star-shaped micro-devices called ‘Theragrippers’ that attach to the intestinal mucosa and can deliver drugs into the body. The devices are made of metal and a thin film that changes shape and are as small as a dust particle. According to Johns Hopkins University, Theragrippers are administered with a cotton swab, similar to PCR tests. In October 2020, a Johns Hopkins University research team published positive results from an animal study confirming that the new technology works flawlessly.”

“Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed

National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin – February 07, 2022 02:00 pm Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland – Homeland Security –
Saying or thinking the wrong thing doesn’t just make you a crank. According to this new Homeland Security bulletin, it may make you a domestic terrorist.

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation.”

The acronym MDM refers to the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s Mis-, Dis-, and Malinformation (MDM) team, who are “charged with building national resilience to mis-, dis-, and malinformation and foreign influence activities. Through these efforts, CISA helps the American people understand the scope and scale of MDM activities targeting elections and critical infrastructure, and enables them to take actions to mitigate associated risks. The MDM team was formerly known as the Countering Foreign Influence Task Force (CFITF).”

Read up about MDM here.
PDF Version of MDM’s “Rumor Control Startup Guide”

Charges Against Cuomo For Nursing Home Scandal & Sexual Assault All Dropped – Niko House – The DA’s of both Albany, New York & Manhattan, NYC have dropped all pending charges against Former Governor Andrew Cuomo including both his sexual assault and nursing home scandals, sparing him the unpleasantness of court proceedings.

Supreme Court Weakens First Amendment Right to Film Police in Public – Rutherford Report – WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt a blow to police accountability and the First Amendment right of eyewitnesses to film and photograph police activity in public without fear of retaliation. In refusing to hear an appeal in Crocker v. Beatty, the Supreme Court has let stand a lower court ruling which granted qualified immunity to a police officer who confiscated a bystander’s cell phone, arrested him for resisting an officer, then allegedly punished him for trying to film police activity by locking him in a police car with the air conditioning turned off on a hot Florida afternoon. The Rutherford Institute had filed an amicus brief in support of Crocker, rebutting the Eleventh Circuit’s ruling that eyewitnesses to a highway accident don’t have a clearly established First Amendment right to film police activity.”

Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed is a recurring segment in Five Meme Friday where we chronicle the news that makes the case that the “Government” is being run by inter-generational organized crime who are stealing trillions. Join our Telegram Channel devoted to evidence of “Government” and media criminality here:

To send articles and evidence for consideration and to report “Government” and media criminality in your town or city, please send to:

Artificial Culture Watch

Democrats Are Pressuring Companies to Censor For Them: a Violation of the First Amendment – Glenn Greenwald –  “Defenders of growing online censorship typically use euphemisms to argue that private companies have the right to make whatever “content moderation” decisions they want. Even if true, that’s not what is happening. Democrats are using their majority power in Washington to pressure companies to censor for them. Jen Psaki’s demands for Spotify to do more about Joe Rogan is just the latest example of this unconstitutional practice.”

Buy Now

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to share this blog post with friends and colleagues.


Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation 
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History…Exposed!!
Co-founder: #THICKREDLINE Project