Can You Help The Art of Liberty Foundation by “Going Paid” on Giving Tuesday?

Etienne Note: If you are a Paid subscriber on even one of our other Substacks, then you can skip this message. If you have not subscribed to at least one of our Substacks could you please consider “Going Paid” on Giving Tuesday? It costs us $1300 per month to produce the Daily News, the Digest and the Five Meme Friday on Substack, not including my time… If you value what we are doing can you please subscribe even for a month or two to help us out? Thanks, HSL

Dear Subscribers,

First, I wanted to thank you for your support of the Art of Liberty Foundation! It is a lot of work to get a new public policy organization off the ground, and we simply couldn’t have gotten to where we are without the help of our donors and supporters!

I sent this message to a group of supporters as an old-fashioned letter because you simply wouldn’t believe how much we are censored online and how much of our e-mail isn’t delivered or is automatically sent to spam, especially with CIA Google G-mail. We estimate that we can’t reach 40-50% of the folks who have signed up specifically to follow our work, not to mention the shadow banning, deindexing, and deplatforming we have been subject to. In the alternative media, it is known as “Freedom of Speech but Not Reach!” and we are exposing the biggest secret of all:

That “government” is illegitimate on its face and is being openly run as a criminal enterprise at the federal level, and that we don’t need “government”, and the world would be much more harmonious and prosperous under REAL freedom!

As you know, we are so very unique in the marketplace of ideas:

  • We are voluntaryists! We don’t believe in the legitimacy, necessity, and desirability of “government.” In fact, we believe “government” was never intended to protect life, liberty and property, but is a technique of inter-generational organized crime to rob and control populations going back to monarchy.

  • We are “Striking the Root!” We are openly calling the “government” organized crime, and we are tracking and exposing the banks, front groups, and secret societies, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. We are identifying the organizations profiting from fractional reserve banking, “bailouts,” “stimulus,” unneeded, overpriced weapons systems and military-industrial complex fraud, and mandatory “vaccines” to name a few scams transferring trillions of dollars to identifiable groups.

  • We are educating the population on voluntaryism and Natural Law! We explain how the free market, mutual aid societies, co-ops, insurance companies, non-profits, and genuine charities can provide all the “services” that monopoly “government” provides today… except better, faster, and cheaper!

  • We are achieving a “One-Way Revolution” with respect to exposing the illegitimacy of “government” and the techniques “governments” use to trick the population into supporting a system that is against their interest. What we have found with our flagship book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! that when we expose these unethically manipulative tricks and techniques used by “governments” to indoctrinate the population into statism and obedience, many completely abandon the mental slavery of “gubernare mente” altogether. We have kept high school graduates out of the military’s meat grinder and had adults abandon the flag of the system that has been tax-farming them!

I am sure you will agree this makes us unique among many so-called “freedom” oriented organizations unwilling to call out “government” illegitimacy on its face and/or who advocate for participation in obviously rigged elections for obvious political puppets using unauditable black box voting machines and “mail-in ballots.”

This year, we have had some amazing successes that I wanted to share with you today:

  • We just organized a conference in Sedona, AZ, on November 1-3rdLiberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference, which was streamed globally, where we brought together leading voluntaryists, including David Friedman, Larken Rose, James Corbett, Walter Block, Ryan Cristian and Derrick Broze. The goal was and is to both educate the population on how REAL freedom and the free market can replace “government” and give intelligent people an alternative to easily rigged, fake elections. The conference was superb and represents what we believe to be the best in-depth introduction to voluntaryism anywhere.

On the same day that I am writing this letter, we just announced the availability of the conference proceedings available for free on and on CiVL, the new, free streaming platform for intellectuals, libertarians, and voluntaryists where folks can watch on Roku, Fire, and their app:

It will be in the same image-rich format as “Government” and include a video site and flash drive full of companion material.

We are raising $25,000 to finish up and launch the book with an appropriate marketing campaign with an IndieGoGo fundraiser at

Our ultimate goal is to raise the remaining 84% of our $550,000 goal in the new year to fully capitalize the Art of Liberty Foundation with a full-time staff to help get around the on-line censorship. If you value the unique voice that we bring, I hope you will remember us on “Giving Tuesday” and consider donating to the Foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You!


Etienne de la Boetie2

If you aren’t already a paid subscriber to our Substack, we have some great perks to say THANK YOU!

Go Paid at the $5 a month level and get a copy of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! in PDF & ePub & the links to download our Flashdrive O’ Freedom: The Liberator for Free over Dropbox

Go Paid OR Upgrade to the $50 Yearly Membership and get a free paperback edition of “Government” OR get a free credit card-sized Liberator flash drive including S&H domestic U.S.A. If you are international, you get the same premium with a $10 S&H credit, and we will e-mail you a quote on getting the physical book or drive.

“Go Paid” or Upgrade to the $250 Founding Member Level and get an Everything Bundle, including a signed high-resolution hardcover edition of “Government” and a copy of Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All when released in Dec/Jan – delivered anywhere in the world!

Already a Founding Member? Consider becoming an Art of Liberty Foundation yearly sponsor! We have some great perks to say THANK YOU, including the opportunity to host an Art of Liberty Foundation event & party in your town to introduce your friends and family to voluntaryism!