Donate a Copy of “Government” & Liberator to New Hampshire


For $45 + $5 Postage & Handling, we will donate a copy of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! + a Liberator to either a Library, Journalist, Influential, Legislator OR Police Chief in New Hampshire as part of our Pre-State Project.   You can specify the recipient OR we can get them to where the need is the greatest.  We are experimenting with both the libertarian-leaning and misguided critics of the Free State Project who haven’t figured out the scam of “Government” or that the organized crime media is controlling the information they receive.  You can more cost-effectively sponsor 10 copies + 10 Liberators for $300.

The Pre-State Project is our effort to accelerate the liberty goals of the Free State Project by widely exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “Government” in the state.

23 in stock

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For $45 + $5 Postage & Handling, we will donate a copy of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! + a Liberator to either a Library, Journalist, Influential, Legislator OR Police Chief in New Hampshire as part of our Pre-State Project.   You can specify the recipient OR we can get them to where the need is the greatest.  We are experimenting with both the libertarian-leaning and misguided critics of the Free State Project who haven’t figured out the scam of “Government” or that the organized crime media is controlling the information they receive.  You can more cost-effectively sponsor 10 copies + 10 Liberators for $300.

The Pre-State Project is our effort to accelerate the liberty goals of the Free State Project by widely exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “Government” in the state.

Some of the misguided who have received copies include Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress and Ex-rep Brodie DeShaies. Some of the folks we would like to gift copies include: Angi Beaulieu, Bill Marsh, Brian Beihl, Al Posnack, Matt Hongoltz Hetling, Jeffrey Cohen, and others.

Cost to Mail 50 NH-Based journalists, bloggers, vloggers and influential: $1,500

Cost to sponsor a copy and Liberator into the other 231 Libraries in New Hampshire (three already have copies): $6,930

Cost to mail the other 390 (out of 400 total) NH representatives and 24 Senators: $12,420


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