Explain the Scam of “Government” to Your Friends, Family, Neighbors and Colleagues


Hello Friends and Neighbors,

Despite what you were taught in your mandatory government school, “Government” isn’t something designed to protect life, liberty and property but was designed to rob and control society. The root words from Latin are:

  • Gubernare = “To Control” &
  • Mente = “The Mind” = Mind Control

Organized crime’s mind control program starts with controlling the information you have received since birth through control of education and a weaponized monopoly media and propaganda system.

The government’s mandatory “public schools” and accredited private/parochial schools use an educational model developed in 19th-century Prussia (now Germany) to indoctrinate a pseudo-religion, Statism, and obedience to an organized crime system that called itself “monarchy.”

When the scam of monarchy / “divine right of kings” was exposed, organized crime developed “democracy” to trick the people into thinking they are in charge but easily controlling the outcome of elections through control of the mediadisparity of campaign funds, blackmail, bribery, assassination, and other means.

Democracy itself is an illegitimate concept because nothing, not even if the majority believe it to be so, can make something inherently immoral (theft, extortion, caging non-violent individuals for victimless crimes, etc.) “moral” just because the majority of people decide to vote for something in a political ritual.

Just because the mob wants to lynch black folks or rob Peter to pay Paul doesn’t make those obvious crimes moral just because the perpetrators outnumber their victims. The “Gubernare Mente” program raised you to believe that it is OK for the government to use violence, extortion and taxation (theft) on overwhelmingly peaceful people because some people are tricked into voting for “government.” We have been conned and duped into something that is obviously against our interests and steals ½ our income in overt taxes, covert taxes and inflation.

This election, misguided Republicans are encouraging you to vote for their candidates who will then rob everyone and put their policies into place. Misguided Democrats, Greens, etc. are doing the same.

The moral and logically consistent alternative is not to vote to rob anyone!

The Good News Alternative:

Voluntaryism! – The world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order, and all the “services” provided by the government – from protection to roads to charity – can be better provided by voluntary interaction, the free market, and genuine charity.

The Unfortunate News:

Because organized crime was able to implement “Government” on the population, they have been using that power to loot society. Today, the leadership of all major parties is controlled by the same crooked interests.

While the Republicans and Democrats pretend to be separate entities, they are divided only on interests unimportant to the ruling oligarchy (gay marriage, abortion, etc.) while being in complete lock-step on the issues important to the organized crime system at the top: The “legitimacy” of “government,” the ability for private banks to create money out of thin air even though it’s inflationary and steals the value from everyone else’s money, the ability for the government to tax, steal and redistribute, unending foreign wars based on lies and manufactured intelligence, and forcing you to comply with all their ridiculous edicts and mandates.

What if you could get everything you want from “Government” (Except redistribution!) from the free market, mutual aid societies, non-profits, and real charities?

Voluntaryism is the commonsense idea that the government doesn’t get an exception from morality… Because the government is engaged in theft (taxation), coercion, and prosecution of victimless crimes, it is de facto illegitimate and criminal.

  • We don’t really need “Government”! It is a technique for robbing and controlling politicians.
  • Everyone would be significantly wealthier if the “government” weren’t robbing everyone of half their income in overt taxes, covert taxes, and inflation.
  • Absent the organized crime monetary system, your dollar should be buying more every year as innovations and productivity improvements reduce the costs of producing and distributing the luxuries and necessities of life.

A start-up public policy organization:

Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing intergenerational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media, and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, Solving Covid – The Covid-19 Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline, ArtOfLiberty.Substack.com, and Five Meme Friday – a weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best alternative media, censored truth videos, at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! – A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that inter-generational organized crime interests are hierarchically controlling all three.

Order or Print This Article As a Tri-Fold Brochure

While the Statists are out trying to get their favorite puppet elected, our tri-fold brochure is a perfect way to educate your friends, neighbors and colleagues on the scam of “gubernare mente” and the good karma alternative of voluntaryism!

Click HERE to download a version for printing on inkjet or laser printers or copy machines capable of making two-sided copies.

You are authorized and encouraged to have this printed by a local commercial printer or mega-printers like VistaPrint or GotPrint. They will need two files:

  • Click HERE to download the Tri-fold Brochure – FRONT
  • Click HERE to download the Tri-fold Brochure – BACK

Click HERE to Order Professionally Printed High-Quality Copies from the Art of Liberty Foundation. Browse our other books & merch while you are in the store!

If you are a heavy hitter and would like to sponsor a little social experiment to distribute FIVE THOUSAND copies in Sedona (Population 10,000) before our Liberty on the Rocks conference, then e-mail me at Etienne (you know) ArtOfLiberty.org
Cost Estimate: $1776.00

About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.

He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline

Your 1.5 Minutes of Video Zen – Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference – November 1-3rd and streaming globally on Saturday, November 2nd.