An Open Letter to Freemasonry – It’s Time to Clean the Lodge!

An Open Letter to Freemasonry – It’s Time to Clean the Lodge!

Mark Passio and Etienne Discuss Their Open Letter to Freemasonry on the What On Earth Is Happening Podcast.

While this book identifies Freemasonry as one of inter-generational organized crimeʼs secret societies and front groups, we are not claiming that every Freemason is an un-indicted suspect. To the contrary, we believe many prominent masons have attempted to stay true to the original intent of the Craft, both in antiquity and modern times.

The Shady History of the Con-stitution

The Shady History of the Con-stitution

It is frankly absurd on its face that any written document or political ritual like voting can grant one group of men the ability to rule and control another group of men, delegate rights they don’t have personally to a “government,” or that succeeding generations can be bound by a contract that none of them or even their forbears signed.