Libertarian Party Shoots Itself in the Foot… Again… at National Convention
In a previous life, I ran a successful national campaign for the Libertarian Party, helping a vice-presidential candidate win their nomination (LP vice-presidential candidates are elected, not chosen by the presidential candidate). My takeaway after the race was that the LP was at a dead end…
FiveMemeFri – Amazon Was Censoring Books Exposing Dangers of Vaccines During Plandemic
5 Meme Friday delivers 5 hard hitting memes to your inbox every Friday and the best videos and news from the alternative media. Join 6,600+ e-mail subscribers here: and subscribe to Five Meme Friday on Substack as well:
The 15 Stages of Denial Among Recipients of the Covid-19 “Vaccine” (Bio-Weapon)
It is becoming obvious that “the Covid” was obviously a scam and the “vaccine” was undeniably a bio-weapon that has killed an estimated 17 million – 20+ million and vaccine-damaged over one billion people vs. the 7 million people allegedly killed by “Covid”.
Are Covid-19 “Vaccines” Eugenics and Depopulation? – Dr. Peter Breggin (and Ginger!) Interview Etienne de la Boetie2
Dr. Peter Breggin is arguably the most esteemed psychiatrist in the world. Known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry,” the Harvard-trained Dr. Breggin, along with his wife and frequent co-author Ginger, has authored more than two dozen books and 70+ peer-reviewed scientific papers in the field. More importantly, he has taken well-publicized stands against the barbaric practice of lobotomy, electro-shock “therapies,” the harmful effects of SSRI and other anti-depressant medications, and the drugging of children with ADD/ADHD drugs.
The Real Scam of Trump’s Indictment was America Wasting Its Time on a Staged Courthouse Drama
The scam of the Trump indictment is much different from what most people think that it is. Trump is obviously part of the “Deep State” as evidenced by his participation in Operation Warp Speed, his encouragement for his supporters to take the “vaccine” (bio-weapon).
Organized Crime by Brendan Daniel- New Song Exposes the “Rich Men North of Richmond”
Folk singer Brendan Daniel picks up where Oliver Anthony left off, exposing the big secret of the “Rich Men North of Richmond”: that “government” is a technique of inter-generational organized crime to rob and control populations. The song was inspired by the book: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia by Etienne de la Boetie2, founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation.