Five hard hitting liberty meme’s (Most) Fridays plus news and research from the Art of Liberty Foundation.

The Art of Liberty Foundation bring you 5 fresh liberty memes every Friday (and occasionally a couple of days later).

Get access to our entire collection of 1000+ dank liberty memes when you download a Liberator flash drive at www.Government-Scam.com/Liberator

The Art of Liberty Foundation bring you 5 fresh liberty memes every Friday (and occasionally a couple of days later).

Subscribe for e-mail updates and YOU MUST WHITELIST to (hopefully) avoid censorship. Gmail is especially criminal. You can subscribe to Five Meme Friday on Telegram as well: https://t.me/FiveMemeFriday

FiveMemeFri – Laid Off IRS Agents Forced to Go Door-to-Door Robbing People Directly

Dear Subscribers,

Typing this on a bus from Acapulco to Mexico City on our way to Prospera. Here are some updates since my last letter! The Turtle Party was a Success and we raised around $300 for the Marsh Children’s Home, $300 for the Art of Liberty Foundation, and about $750 for the Turtle Sanctuary who hosted the party. While that doesn’t sound like much, it goes a long way in Mexico.

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FiveMemeFri – Told Ya So… USAID Was Running the Media Internationally…

Short letter to get this out… Still in Bonfil Beach watching the Anarchapulco conference from a distance and getting updates from my friends who are attending the conference… Not to toot my own horn, but exactly as I predicted in writing in my recent expose: The Scam of Stew Peters’ “Documentary” Occupied, that Stew Peters was going to show up and tar the conference and the attendees with cartoonish anti-semitism… which he did… Exactly as described in my expose, Stew and Jeff Berwick have both been making cartoonish anti-semetic remarks about Hitler being a good guy and “The Jews” as if millions and millions of Jews, the overwhelming majority having nothing to do with banking, central banking, monopoly media, Talpiot program spying or the sickening Talmud are somehow guilty of the crimes of a very specific organized crime system using fractional reserve banking, “government”, and monopoly media to rob the world.

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FiveMemeFri – DOGE Targets Everyone But Trump & Elon

Dear Subscribers,

Sorry for being late on getting Five Meme Friday published but Julie made me take half a day off on Friday for Valentine’s Day!

The big news this week: Lots of criminality being exposed by DOGE in what looks like the organized crime “government” throwing some lower level criminality “under the bus” to put a shine on the team working on the upper level criminality.

What isn’t being mentioned by Elon Musk and DOGE?

– The 19 Billion Dollars in contracts Elon Musk has received from the “government”

– Fractional Reserve Banking

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FiveMemeFri -Told Ya So! – Thousands of MSM “Journalists” Being Paid by USAID…GLOBALLY!!

Short letter this week as I am in Mexico dealing with a computer crash. The big story this week is my keynote speech to the People’s Reset conference last week in Morelia, Mexico! One of my best talks ever! I briefly break down the illegitimacy and criminality of “government” and then do a 30 minute deep dive into the ONLY moral and logically consistent alternative: voluntaryism!

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FiveMemeFri – Bitcoin Jesus – The Prosecution of Roger Ver

Short letter this week as I am in Mexico where we just wrapped up The People’s Reset Conference in Morelia. Fantastic conference where I gave two talks and collaborated with many of the leading voluntaryists and freedom fighters on the planet! Stay tuned for more details from the conference.

I highly recommend the interview that Ryan Cristian conducted with Mark Goodwin on whether Bitcoin was a “government” operation and can it be used for good! Pass it along to your friends in crypto and finance!

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FiveMemeFri – Milei Murders the WEF & Was BTC a Government Operation?

Dear Subscribers,

Short letter this week as I am getting ready for my trip to Mexico on Monday for the People’s Reset Conference where I will be giving a keynote on voluntaryism AND a workshop where I break down the most cost-effective way to arrest the “Deep State.” The keynote will be streamed live on Friday, January 31st at 2:05. The workshop will be recorded. Julie and I are hosting a party along with Mark Z from Sedona Quantum Consciousness in Morelia on Tuesday evening, January 28th. If you are an Art of Liberty Foundation sponsor or Paid Substack subscriber and are attending the conference then e-mail us at Events (You Know)ArtOfLiberty.org to get an invite!

I highly recommend the interview that Ryan Cristian conducted with Mark Goodwin on whether Bitcoin was a “government” operation and can it be used for good! Pass it along to your friends in crypto and finance!

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FiveMemeFri – Trump and CIA-connected Larry Ellison Push mRNA “Vaccines” for Cancer on Day2

Dear Subscribers, while this is last week’s Five Meme Friday newsletter, I did include a couple of this week’s top stories:

Trump and CIA Larry Ellison begin pumping “Vaccines” designed by AI to fight cancer on Day 2. Even after the last “vaccine” he promoted caused an estimated 13-20+ million deaths globally.

See a great 5 minute Greg Reese video below with additional details that I provide about Larry Ellison’s background… The CIA was his first customer for Oracle.

Joe Biden has issued preemptive pardons for Dr. Anthony Fauci and 1/2 of the Biden family making our case that the “government” is being run as a complete criminal enterprise.

Some of the most popular articles that we have ever published have broken down the credible evidence that between 13-20+ million have died prematurely from the vaccines forced on the population through Donald Trump & Anthony Fauci’s Operation Warp Speed program.

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FiveMemeFri – Adam Corolla: Good Luck Rebuilding Under the “9 Angry Lesbians on the CA Coastal Commission”

Dear Subscribers,

My apologies for getting last week’s Five Meme Friday out on Wednesday! It was my birthday last weekend and I took a couple of days off. 55 Years Young! Five (V) is my favorite number! The Roman numeral version V reminds me of the V for Voluntaryism! Julie and I were playing our favorite card game, Golf, at midnight on the 11th/12th and I won with four fives! In my book, “Government” – The biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, I penned these words:

Five is our movement and advice to create a peaceful and voluntary society. Shift 5% of your time from entertainment to education, educate 5
friends, get together at least 5 times a year to help others, and contribute
5% (time or treasure) to worthy causes. And then we win.

Shift 5% – We are awash in sedentary entertainment. Shift 5% of sedentary entertainment/infotainment into active learning, nonfiction reading, or just documentaries instead of sitcoms. Binge books. Study an Issue.

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