Etienne breaks down “The Covid,” Fractional Reserve Banking, Gold/Silver Markets, & More Video: Etienne de la Boetie2, the founder of the...
How the Organized Crime “Government” and Media Deceive the Public Using Tell-A-Vision The organized crime media system controls many people’s “reality” by controlling the information that the population receives. The ability to control perception is...
New Pfizer Docs Released Under Court Order Show The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, and alternative media news delivered right to your inbox.Enjoy these pokes at the powers that shouldn’t...
Etienne de la Boetie2 Breaks it Down on Forbidden Knowledge News Etienne de la Boetie2, the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, breaks down how an inter-generational organized crime running the “government,” banks, and media are pushing for eugenics and...
Naomi Wolf’s Viral Hillsdale Speech + Partial Transcript + Why I Think She May Be Controlled Opposition Gatekeeping the Posse Away from the True Culprits Naomi Wolf’s speech What Is In the Pfizer Documents? at Hillsdale College has gone viral with well...
Who Are the World Economic Forum, The Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Freemasonry, Bohemian Club, Skull & Bones and the Bilderberg Group When people ask me who runs the world, my stock answer is something along the lines of: It appears to...
It’s Easy to Help Your Community Get Prepped for a Dollar/Banking Collapse or Devaluation With banks starting to fail, there are some easy and specific things you can do to strengthen your local community’s ability to survive a banking collapse or dollar...
Tucker Carlson Interview Edward Dowd on the Excess Mortality Related to the “Vaccines” The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox.Enjoy these pokes at the powers...
They discuss the top three things you need to know to be mentally free from the mind control of statism Note: This video was removed from YouTube in less than 2 hours. Click the image above or this link for the rumble...
Tucker Carlson Interview Edward Dowd on the Excess Mortality Related to the “Vaccines” The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox.Enjoy these pokes at the powers...