Alternatives To Monopoly Policing
Alternatives to Monopoly Policing
If the government’s monopoly laws, police and courts disappeared tomorrow, the overwhelming majority of society would not turn to murder or crime. Not because there wasn’t an “official law” prohibiting it but because most people aren’t murders or thieves. Most people could safely get away with innumerable petty theft today with little risk of getting caught: from their employer, from their colleagues, from their neighbor’s open garage, from their friend’s homes and purses but they don’t. Not because they fear being caught in the act by the monopoly police but from a myriad of reasons ranging from religious beliefs, to strong personal ethics, understanding of karma, to fear of being fired or shunned from their social circles. The fact that a bureaucrat wrote down stealing is wrong on an official piece of paper is way down on the bottom of the list. A study by professors James D. Wright and Peter Rossi that surveyed nearly 2,000 incarcerated felons concluded that criminals are more worried about running into armed victims than law enforcement. Absent monopoly policing all these protections and deterrents would still be in place.
Private Defense Agencies
Because there is a universal demand for safe streets, businesses, and neighborhoods there is obviously a market for private protective services. Indeed, because bureaucratic monopoly policing is focused on victimless crimes, it is doing such a poor job with respect to protection that private security companies flourish even in competition with a “free” provider. These companies often offer innovative services: home security systems, 24x7x365 monitoring, and armed response. Not only do these companies have similar training and equipment as the police but in many ways they are far superior: They only act in defense of life, liberty and property, do not pretend to have “qualified immunity” and have no incentive or ability to engage in road piracy or arresting peaceful people for victimless crimes.
Voluntaryism Working
Detroit’s Threat Management Center – In a city where the average police response time is 5Xs the national average and the crime rate is skyrocketing the Detroit Threat Management Center is a private security company that provides security services for business and individuals ranging from walking business owners to or from their cars for $10 to riding shotgun on cigarette trucks that were getting hijacked at an alarming rate which has dropped to zero. The company will help local residents for free when called and even has a public access television show where they teach self-defense.
Liberator Video: Detroit Threat Management: Anarchy in Detroit by Reason TV: YouTube ● Liberator
Privatization of Monopoly Government Police Departments
Because the illegitimacy of “government” is being discovered widely in the population, forward-thinking Sheriffs and Chiefs will already
Private Police FAQs
What about people who couldn’t afford protection?
Private security companies today help non-customers in the communities that they protect for free for a variety of reasons: First, it is good marketing in the community. Second, taking criminals off the streets ultimately protects their clients as well. Finally, good guys like to bust bad guys!
What is to stop a Private Defense Agency from going rogue and taking over a neighborhood or town like a warlord?
Unlike the monopoly police, PDAs can easily be fired by switching providers. It is unlikely that a successful company would endanger their business and doubtful that the employees would go along with it especially knowing they would be facing an armed population and likely retaliation from a rival company.